SegFormer Part 1, Description

qte77 · May 5, 2024



Using Nvidia SegFormer (b0-sized) encoder pre-trained-only

SegFormer Model Architecture


Using scene-parsing with Dataset scene_parse_150, a subset of semantic segmentation dataset MIT ADE20k

  • “segment the whole image densely into semantic classes (image regions), where each pixel is assigned a class label”
  • “mean of the pixel-wise accuracy and class-wise IoU as the final score”
  • structure
  'image': <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=RGB size=683x512 at 0x1FF32A3EDA0>,
  'annotation': <PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image mode=L size=683x512 at 0x1FF32E5B978>,
  'scene_category': 0

Execution order for model Trainer()

  1. Transform on-the-fly * Data gets batch-wise prepared and augmented (<dataset>.set_transform(<transform_fn>))
  2. Tokenize tansformed data (image_processor) * Inputs image, annotation (segmentation mask) and scene_category (label) * Outputs pixel_values and labels tensors
  3. Collate tokenized batch data (data_collator=collate_fn) * Returns stacked tensor of tokenized data batches
  4. Fine-tune model with prepared data * Also inputs id2label and label2id * Returns tensor of pixel-wise logits
  5. Evaluate model output (compute_metrics) * Compare output logits to input segmentation mask

Pseudo downstream forward run

from torch import no_grad
from transformers import (
image_processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained(checkpoint)
model = AutoModelForImageClassification.from_pretrained(checkpoint)
# preprocess and tokenize, return PyTorch tensors
inputs = image_processor(image.convert("RGB"), return_tensors="pt")
# forward only
with no_grad():
    outputs = model(**inputs)
    logits = outputs.logits
pred_cls_idx = logits.argmax(-1).item()
print(f"{pred_cls_idx=}, {model.config.id2label[pred_cls_idx]=}")

Some weights of SegformerForSemanticSegmentation were not initialized

The following layers were not initialized because they should be fine-tuned to down-stream task.

  • ‘decode_head.classifier.weight’
  • ‘decode_head.batch_norm.bias’
  • ‘decode_head.linear_c.3.proj.bias’
  • ‘decode_head.batch_norm.running_mean’
  • ‘decode_head.batch_norm.weight’
  • ‘decode_head.batch_norm.running_var’
  • ‘decode_head.linear_c.0.proj.weight’
  • ‘decode_head.linear_c.1.proj.weight’
  • ‘decode_head.classifier.bias’
  • ‘decode_head.linear_c.1.proj.bias’
  • ‘decode_head.linear_c.3.proj.weight’
  • ‘decode_head.linear_c.2.proj.bias’
  • ‘decode_head.linear_c.2.proj.weight’
  • ‘decode_head.linear_fuse.weight’ac
  • ‘decode_head.batch_norm.num_batches_tracked’
  • ‘decode_head.linear_c.0.proj.bias’

In regards to the following warning:

Some weights of SegformerForSemanticSegmentation were not initialized from the model checkpoint at [...] are newly initialized because the shapes did not match:
- decode_head.classifier.weight: found shape torch.Size([150, 256, 1, 1]) in the checkpoint and torch.Size([151, 256, 1, 1]) in the model instantiated
- decode_head.classifier.bias: found shape torch.Size([150]) in the checkpoint and torch.Size([151]) in the model instantiated
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.

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